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Qualitative Research Articles


Achieving Rigor in Literature Reviews: Insights from Qualitative Data Analysis and Tool-Support by Bandara, Furtmueller, Gorbacheva, Miskin and Beekhuyzen - using software for systematic literature review.

It's a PhD, not a Nobel Prize': How experienced examiners assess research theses, by Gerry Mullins & Margaret Kiley (2002)

An International Systematic Mapping Review of Educational Approaches and Teaching Methods in Occupational Therapy by Hooper, King, Wood, Bilics, Gupta - A systematic mapping review identified topics, research designs, levels of impact and themes across educational scholarship.

A framework for qualitative analysis of focus group data in information systems by Nili, Tate, Johnstone, & Gable 2014 - a useful guide to conducting focus group interviews.

How many interviews are enough? by Guest, Bunce and Johnson 2006 in Field Methods - discusses saturation and the myth that there is a perfect number of interviews to conduct in a qualitative research project.

Maximizing Transparency in a Doctoral Thesis1: The Complexities of Writing About the Use of QSR*NVIVO Within a Grounded Theory Study - by Bringer, Johnstone and Brackenridge (2004) Qualitative Research - discusses the importance of transparency in research.

Facilitating the interaction between theory and data in qualitative research using CAQDAS by Sinkovics & Alfoldi 2012 - this is a usefully detailed article on using software to manage the entire qualitative research process.

Developing a Codebook by DeCuir-Gunby, Marshall & McCulloch 2011 - This article is a must for all qualitative researchers, particularly useful for those working in teams.

The NVivo Looking Glass: Seeing the Data Through the Analysis by Beekhuyzen, Nielsen & von Hellens 2010 - this discusses strategies for coding empirical data based on a doctoral study.

Techniques for identifying themes in qualitative research by Ryan & Bernard 2003 - a really practical article providing ideas for coding qualitative data and identifying themes - a process often considered "mysterious".

Beyond the Qualitative Interview: Data Preparation and Transcription by McLellan, MacQueen & Neidig 2003 - practical considerations to systematically organise and analyse textual data.

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